Tanglebriar Tales
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Spice's Kidding
Spice had twin bucklings on the 13th of March around noon. She almost had her kids in the paddock, but I spotted her laying down tucked into the fenceline, and hustled her into the kidding room. Both kids were born healthy and strong, and Spice seems to be doing great and is being an absolute sweetheart about milking.
Read more...2016 Testing Results
Last week, I sent blood off from all the girls for testing in the Washington Animal Disease Diagnostic Lab for their biosecurity screeing, which covers CAE, CL, and Johne's disease, all three diseases that no goat owner or breeder wants in their herd.
Read more...On Performance Programs
I feel that because it is necessary for goats to produce kids to produce milk, that it is my responsibility to strive to improve the breed by careful breeding in addition to being concerned about whether or not my current goats are producing milk.
Read more...Raising Kids
With Reason and Fancy having kidded, and Spice almost ready to kid, I can now give a better explanation of how I am raising the little Tanglebriar goatlings. They are being raised on a CAE prevention routine, although my foundation does were purchased from CAE free herds.
Read more...Fancy's Kidding
Fancy had twins, a buckling and a doeling on the 13th of February around 6:00 in the evening. She had a harder time kidding than Reason, as her buckling was over 7 pounds and her doeling was over 5, but both kids were born healthy and strong, and Fancy is doing great and is producing milk like a champ for a first freshener.
Read more...Reason's Kidding
Reason's kids were born at 8:45-ish 2 February 2016. It was a very easy birth, and she had twins, a doeling and a buckling. Both dam and kids seem in great shape so far, fingers crossed. The kids are being raised on a CAE prevention routine just in case, although all of my does were purchased CAE negative.
Read more...ADGA | INBA | Herd records