2016 Testing Results
Last week, I sent blood off from all the girls for testing in the Washington Animal Disease Diagnostic Lab for their biosecurity screeing, which covers CAE, CL, and Johne's disease, all three diseases that no goat owner or breeder wants in their herd. While I purchased all three of my does from CAE free herds ([Providence Hill Farm](https://www.facebook.com/pages/Providence-Hill-Farm/259725353141?fref=photo "Providence Hill Farm") and [Marmalade Hollow](http://marmaladehollow.com/ "Marmalade Hollow")), I feel like it's the responsible thing to do to keep checking, particularly when there is a new batch of kids to consider.
We got our test results back yesterday, and I am proud to say that we are negative for all three diseases and good to go for another year. Although we are negative for CAE, CL, and Johne's disease, I prefer the 'belt and suspenders' approach to disease prevention, and so that's why the kids are on the CAE prevention routine. I also like bottle feeding the kids because it allows me to monitor and adjust food intake, depending on how a kid is doing, and make sure that a bigger or more enthusiastic kid does not prevent a smaller one from getting all the nutrition that it needs.