Fancy had two kids 20 February 2018, a doeling (Milady) and a buckling (D'Artagnan), weighing 5.2lbs each. With Fancy and Ransom's conformation, I'm expecting to have some very nice looking kids who should also be good producers and have great temperaments. I think that they are likely to be good candidates for showing, but will also do very well in a home dairy position. Fancy possesses two alleles for high cheese production, so all her offspring will have at least one copy of a high production allele, making them intermediate to high cheese producers. Both of the kids are very flashy, brown with black trim and spots.
"D'Artagnan" SOLD
Planned pedigree Ransom x Spice
Planned pedigree Rocket Science x Reason

"Foxtrot" Buckling (6.2 lbs. at birth) RETAINED

"Tango" Buckling (7.0 lbs. at birth) SOLD
"Minuet" Doeling (5.4 lbs. at birth) SOLD
Planned pedigree Rocket Science x Parian
Parian had three kids, two bucklings and a doeling, born 17 February 2018. Rocket Science possesses two alleles for high cheese production, so all his offspring will have at least one copy of a high production allele, making them intermediate to high cheese producers. I expect the kids to have improved production from Rocket Science's strong milking genetics, and Parian's sweet temperament. I also hope to have improved body capacity out of this pairing. We got some very flashy color this year. The two bucklings are heavily moonspotted, and the doeling has a few moonspots. I expect these kids to perform well in a home dairy setting, but I wouldn't discount them doing well in 4-H, as every one has a beautiful head.
From left to right, we have Gypsy (canine partner extraordinaire), Parian's third baby, the doeling "Denali" (6.4 lbs)(SOLD), her first, the buckling "Everest" (5.2 lbs)(RETAINED), and her second, "Olympus" (9.4 lbs) (SOLD). This was right after kidding, which is why the kids are lying around like marionettes with their strings cut.

"Everest" RETAINED