Renegade and the Rooster
Besides Nubian goats, I also have a small flock of standard Cochin chickens. My barred rooster is a very nice chicken, laid back, does a lot of sitting and dust bathing, and is great with people and my two does, Reason and Fancy. He is not, however, great with Renegade, the buck that I am leasing for this year. For some reason, the rooster has decided that Renegade is his mortal enemy and competition for his ladies. The rooster started with running up at him and looking indignant (he was probably trying to look tough, but Cochins don't really do tough). Renegade pretty much ignored him. Yesterday, though, while I had Reason and Fancy out browsing by the pond, the rooster decided that his time had come, and started chasing Renegade around the pasture. After a great deal of laughing, I went into the pen to break it up. My rooster immediately stopped and went the other way, and Renegade came over for some love and pets.
A repeat chasing event has not reoccured, but Renegade and the rooster are keeping a eye on each other.